ࡱ> "Lbjbjxx.~ۀOOOOOcccclco"(Xd f f f f f f $_$': O&&& OO" lll&ZOOd l&d lllrv?lP 3"<o"lK'^K'llK'O&&l&&&&& l&&&o"&&&&K'&&&&&&&&&? :AUDITOR SERVICE CONTRACT ! ________ FOR THE EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE VERIFICATION of a Grant Contract under the ENI CBC BLACK SEA BASIN JOINT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME 2014-2020 BSB 1034 Promoting The Black Sea Region as a Wine Tourism Destination  TheSeaofWine Project Contract MLPDA 89651/30.06.2020. >3>2V@ ! ________ ?@> =040==O 0C48B>@AL:8E ?>A;C3 7 ?5@52V@:8 28B@0B 2 @0<:0E !?V;L=>W ?5@0FV9=>W @>3@0<8 ! '>@=><>@AL:89 10A59= 2014-2020, BSB 1034 @>AC20==O '>@=><>@AL:>3> @53V>=C O: 45AB8=0FVW 28==>3> BC@87<C - >@5 28=0 @0=B>289 :>=B@0:B MLPDA 89651/30.06.2020. Audit consulting private company  ____________ (hereinafter  Auditor ) which operates on the basis of the Register of auditors and audit entities, Part "Audit entities" ! 2196, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 10.08.2020 ! 490  On amendments to the List of independent auditors who have passed the selection procedure and may be involved in the verification of project costs under the Joint Operational Programs 2014-2020, represented by the Director ___________________________, who acts on the basis of the Charter on the one hand and Odesa National University of Technology (the Customer), represented by Marina MARDAR, acting Rector, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations, functioning on the basis of the Charter and Grand Contract MLPDA of the other part 89651/30.06.2020, together hereinafter referred to as "Parties" and separately as the "Party", have agreed as follows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rticle 1. Subject 1.1 The Customer instructs, and the Auditor undertakes to provide the Customer with the following services under the code in accordance with SC 021: 2015 "Unified Procurement Dictionary" 79210000-9 "Accounting and auditing services" (the individual expenditure and revenue verification under the ENI CBC BLACK SEA BASIN JOINT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME 2014-2020, BSB 1034 Promoting The Black Sea Region as a Wine Tourism Destination TheSeaofWine Project, (Contract MLPDA 89651/30.06.2020). 1.2 The Auditor shall execute the tasks assigned to him in accordance with the Instruction 15/2018 and its annexes issued by the Managing Authority or any update issued by the Managing Authority or the Joint Technical Secretariat (Annex 1). 1.3. The Auditor is obliged to ensure the quality of services in accordance with the terms of reference of the Customer, in compliance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine and applicable regulations. 1. @54<5B >3>2>@C 1.1. 0<>2=8: 4>@CG0T, 0 C48B>@ ?@89<0T =0 A515 7>1>2 O70==O =040B8 0<>2=8:C =0ABC?=V ?>A;C38 70 :>4>< 73V4=> 7  021:2015 48=89 70:C?V25;L=89 A;>2=8: 79210000-9 CE30;B5@AL:V B0 0C48B>@AL:V ?>A;C38 (0C48B>@AL:V ?>A;C38 7 ?5@52V@:8 28B@0B 2 @0<:0E !?V;L=>W ?5@0FV9=>W @>3@0<8 ! '>@=><>@AL:89 10A59= 2014-2020, BSB1034 @>AC20==O '>@=><>@AL:>3> @53V>=C O: 45AB8=0FVW 28==>3> BC@87<C - >@5 28=0 73V4=> 3@0=B>2>W C3>48 BSB 1034 (contract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rticle 2. Terms Grant contract - Grant contract MLPDA 89651/30.06.2020. Managing Authority - Managing Authority of the Joint Operational Program "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020". eMS - Electronic Program Monitoring System. (ISRS) 4400 - (International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400) - International Standard on Related Services. The Joint Technical Secretariat is a working body of the joint operational programs of cross-border cooperation, established to assist the Managing Authority, the Joint Monitoring Committee and, if necessary, the Audit Authority in performing their functions. National control-contact point - the central executive body of Ukraine, which coordinates the work of performing functions related to the organization of verification of costs incurred by the main partners and / or partners (residents) in the implementation of projects in Ukraine in accordance with financing agreements Joint operational programs of cross-border cooperation, and provides cooperation with the State Audit Office, the Body of Public Oversight of Auditing, the Audit Chamber, the Authority of the Joint Operational Programs of cross-border cooperation and other bodies specified in this Procedure, in order to perform its functions.2. 87=0G5==O B5@<V=V2 @0=B>289 :>=B@0:B  @0=B>289 :>=B@0:B MLPDA 89651/30.06.2020. @30= C?@02;V==O  @30= #?@02;V==O !?V;L=>W >?5@0B82=>W ?@>3@0<8 '>@=><>@AL:89 10A59= 2014-2020. 5MS  ;5:B@>==0 !8AB5<0 >=VB>@8=3 C @>3@0<8. (ISRS) 4400  (International Standard on Related Services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rticle 3. Contract value The contract value is ____________ UAH without VAT. 3.2. Payment for services is made after receiving the services on the basis of the signed act of services provided, by transfer to the current account of the Auditor within 10 banking days from the date of signing the act of provided services. 3.3. Payment for the provided services is made in the national currency of Ukraine by transfer to the current bank account of the Auditor. 3.4. The Auditor is a payer of the Single Tax __________________. 3.5. The Customer is a non-profit organization. 3. 0@BVABL >3>2>@C 3.1.0@BVABL >3>2>@C A:;040T ____________ 3@=.(________________3@82=V B0 __ :>?V9>:), 157 . 3.2. ?;0B0 ?>A;C3 74V9A=NTBLAO ?VA;O >B@8<0==O ?>A;C3 =0 ?V4AB02V ?V4?8A0=>3> :BC =040=8E ?>A;C3, H;OE>< ?5@5@0EC=:C =0 @>7@0EC=:>289 @0EC=>: C48B>@0 ?@>BO3>< 10 10=:V2AL:8E 4=V2 7 4=O ?V4?8A0==O :BC =040=8E ?>A;C3. 3.3. ?;0B0 70 =040=V ?>A;C38 74V9A=NTBLAO C =0FV>=0;L=V9 20;NBV #:@0W=8 H;OE>< ?5@5:07C =0 ?>B>G=89 10=:V2AL:89 @0EC=>: C48B>@0. 3.4. C48B>@ T ?;0B=8:>< 48=>3> ?>40B:C ___________________. 3.5. 0<>2=8: T =5?@81CB:>2>N >@30=V70FVTN.Article 4. Language of the contract 4.1. The language of the contract between the Auditor and the Customer shall be Ukrainian and English. The expenditure verification report shall be elaborated in English language.4. >20 >3>2>@C 4.1.>20 4>3>2>@C <V6 C48B>@>< B0 0<>2=8:>< C:@0W=AL:0 B0 0=3;V9AL:0. 2VB ?@> ?5@52V@:C 28B@0B @>7@>1;OB8<5BLAO 0=3;V9AL:>N <>2>N. Article 5. Communications 5.1. The !ustomer: Contact person: Margaryta Liganenko Address: 65039, Odesa city, str. Kanatna, 112 Tel: (063) 306-33-34 -mail: margie88svet@gmail.com 5.2. The Auditor: Contact person: _________________ Address: ________________________________ Tel: +38 _____________________ E-mail: _________________________ 5. 2`O7>: <V6 AB>@>=0<8 5.1. 0<>2=8:: >=B0:B=0 >A>10: V30=5=:> 0@30@8B0 5==04VW2=0 4@5A0: 65039, <. 45A0, 2C;. 0=0B=0, 112 "5;5D>=: (063) 306-33-34 -mail: margie88svet@gmail.com 5.2. C48B>@: >=B0:B=0 >A>10: _________________ 4@5A0: ____________________________________ "5;5D>=: +38 ____________________ E-mail: ________________________  Article 6. Implementation of the tasks 6.1 The start date for implementation shall be the day following that on which the last of the two Parties signs the contract, and until May 20, 2023. 6.2 The customer has to submit the financial report and the related supporting documents to the Auditor for verification, within: the second period - 21.08.2021 - 20.12.2022 - maximum 30 working days from the end date of the reporting period. 6.3. The period for delivery of the reports by the Auditor to the !ustomer is maximum 30 working days from submission of each financial report by the Beneficiary.  6. 8:>=0==O 70240=L B0 AB@>:8 ?>40==O 72VB=>ABV 6.1.5@V>4 28:>=0==O 70240=L  =0ABC?=89 45=L ?VA;O ?V4?8A0==O !B>@>=0<8 >3>2>@C V 4> 20 B@02=O 2023@. 6.2.0<>2=8: ?>28=5= =040B8 DV=0=A>289 72VB B0 2V4?>2V4=V AC?@>2>4=V 4>:C<5=B8 C48B>@C 4;O ?5@52V@:8: 2 ?5@V>4  7 21.08.2021 @. ?> 20.12.2022 @. - =5 1V;LH5 30 @>1>G8E 4=V2 7 40B8 70:V=G5==O 72VB=>3> ?5@V>4C. 6.3."5@<V= =040==O 72VBV2 C48B>@>< 0<>2=8:C =5 ?>28=5= ?5@528IC20B8 30 @>1>G8E 4=V2 7 <><5=BC ?>40==O 0<>2=8:>< DV=0=A>2>3> 72VBC. Article 7. Responsibilities 7.1 The !ustomer is responsible for providing the Financial Report, as well as giving access to its accounting, supporting documents, project documentation and physical investments to the Auditor, so that the procedures described in Annex 1, can take place in due time and without restrictions. 7.2 The !ustomer is responsible for Notifying in written the Auditor as regards the submission of Final report for expenditure verification, on the day of report submission. 7.3 The Auditor is responsible for performing the agreed-upon procedures described in Section 5 of the Instruction to Beneficiaries no.15/20.11.2018 of the Managing Authority with due care and full respect of the Code of Ethics therein indicated, as well as submitting the report to the Beneficiary. In this respect the factual information contained in the Financial Report of the !ustomer has to be examined and compared with the terms and conditions of the Grant Contract; 7.4 The Auditor shall perform the verification of all expenditures and revenues (100%) using the information uploaded by the !ustomer in the Programme Electronic Monitoring System (eMS). To this end, the Auditor shall create an eMS account; 7.5. The Auditor documents matters which are important in providing evidence to support the report of factual findings, and evidence that the work was carried out in accordance with ISRS 4400. 7.6 Additionally, the Auditor shall submit the ad hoc report directly to the National Authority in case of fraud or irregularity. 7.7 The Auditor will attend the specific trainings and meetings for Auditors organized by the competent Programme bodies. The Managing Authority may request the termination of the Auditors contract, in case of the Auditor not attending these events.7. V4?>2V40;L=VABL AB>@V= 7.1. 0<>2=8: =5A5 2V4?>2V40;L=VABL 70 =040==O $V=0=A>2>3> 72VBC, 0 B0:>6 =040==O 4>ABC?C 4> 9>3> >1;V:C, AC?@>2V4=8E 4>:C<5=BV2, ?@>5:B=>W 4>:C<5=B0FVW B0 DV78G=8E V=25AB8FVW C48B>@C, I>1 ?@>F54C@8, >?8A0=V 2 >40B:C 1, <>3;8 2V41C20B8AL C 2AB0=>2;5=89 AB@>: V 157 >1<565=L. 7.2. 0<>2=8: =5A5 2V4?>2V40;L=VABL 70 ?8AL<>25 ?>2V4><;5==O C48B>@0 I>4> ?>40==O V4AC<:>2>3> 72VBC 4;O ?5@52V@:8 28B@0B C 45=L ?>40==O 72VBC. 7.3.C48B>@ =5A5 2V4?>2V40;L=VABL 70 28:>=0==O C73>465=8E ?@>F54C@, >?8A0=8E C >74V;V 5 =AB@C:FVW 4;O 0<>2=8:V2 ! 15 2V4 20.11.2018 @30=C #?@02;V==O 7 =0;56=>N @5B5;L=VABN B0 ?>2=8< 4>B@8<0==O< 707=0G5=>3> C >45:AV 5B8:8 V6=0@>4=>W D545@0FVW 1CE30;B5@V2, 0 B0:>6 ?>40==O 72VBC 0<>2=8:C. # FL><C 2V4=>H5==V D0:B8G=0 V=D>@<0FVO, I> <VAB8BLAO C $V=0=A>2><C 72VBV 0<>2=8:0, ?>28==0 1CB8 282G5=0 B0 ?>@V2=O=0 7 C<>20<8 @0=B>2>3> :>=B@0:BC. 7.4.C48B>@ 28:>=C20B8<5 ?5@52V@:C 2AVE 28B@0B V 4>E>4V2 (100%), 28:>@8AB>2CNG8 V=D>@<0FVN, =040=C 0<>2=8:>< B0/01> 7020=B065=C C A8AB5<C 5;5:B@>==>3> <>=VB>@8=3C ?@>3@0<8 (eMs).  FVTN <5B>N C48B>@ ?>28=5= AB2>@8B8 >1;V:>289 70?8A C eMS. 7.5.C48B>@ 4>:C<5=BC20B8<5 ?8B0==O, O:V T 206;828<8 4;O =040==O 4>:07V2 4;O ?V4B25@465==O 72VBC ?@> D0:B8G=V 28A=>2:8, B0 4>:078, I> @>1>B0 28:>=0=0 2V4?>2V4=> 4> ISRS 4400. 7.6.@V< B>3>, C48B>@ =040T A?5FV0;L=89 72VB 157?>A5@54=L> 4> ?@02>>E>@>==8E >@30=V2 C 28?04:C H0E@09AB20 01> =52V4?>2V4=>ABV. 7.7.C48B>@ 1C45 2V42V4C20B8 A?5FV0;L=V B@5=V=38 B0 7CAB@VGV 4;O 0C48B>@V2, >@30=V7>20=V :><?5B5=B=8<8 >@30=0<8 @>3@0<8 70 A2V9 @0EC=>:. @30= #?@02;V==O <>65 28<030B8 2V4 0<>2=8:0 ?@8?8=5==O :>=B@0:BC 7 C48B>@><, O:I> C48B>@ =5 15@5 CG0ABL C F8E 70E>40E. Article 8. Reports 8.1 The Auditor shall submit the expenditure and revenue verification report to the !ustomer following the templates and procedures established in the art. 14 and eMS. A contradictory procedure should be possible, if the Beneficiary does not agree with the findings. In this case, the Auditor shall designate a different member of its staff, having similar competences, for re-performing the verifications for the expenditure in question and replying to the Beneficiary. If no agreement is reached, art. 14 is applicable. 8.2 In case of identification of suspected and/or established fraud or corruption, the Auditor shall submit the Report on suspected and/or established fraud or corruption (Annex 8) without delay directly to the National Authority of the respective country. 8.3 Report should be submitted through the Electronic Monitoring System (eMS) and/or in paper form to the Customer. 8. !:;040==O 72VBV2 8.1.C48B>@ ?>28=5= ?>40B8 72VB ?@> ?5@52V@:C 28B@0B V 4>E>4V2 0<>2=8:C 7 4>40B:0<8 4> =8E 73V4=> 7 H01;>=0<8 B0 ?@>F54C@0<8, 2AB0=>2;5=8<8 2 4>40B:0E, 707=0G5=8E C ?C=:BV 14 FL>3> >3>2>@C B0 eMS. # @07V =573>48 0<>2=8:0 7 @57C;LB0B0<8 ?5@52V@:8 C48B>@ ?>28=5= ?@87=0G8B8 V=H>3> A?V2@>1VB=8:0, O:89 <0T ?>4V1=V :><?5B5=FVW, 4;O ?>2B>@=>3> 28:>=0==O ?5@52V@>: 2V4?>2V4=8E 28B@0B B0 =040==O 2V4?>2V4V 0<>2=8:C. /:I> 4><>2;5=>ABV =5 4>AO3=CB>, 70AB>A>2CTBLAO AB. 14. 8.2.# @07V 28O2;5==O ?V4>7@N20=>3> B0/01> 2AB0=>2;5=>3> H0E@09AB20 01> :>@C?FVW C48B>@ 157 70B@8<:8 ?>40T 2VB ?@> ?V4>7@8 B0/01> 2AB0=>2;5=5 H0E@09AB2> 01> :>@C?FVN (>40B>: 8 4> V=AB@C:FVW) 157?>A5@54=L> 4> ?@02>>E>@>==>3> >@30=C 2V4?>2V4=>W :@0W=8. 8.3.2VB ?>28=5= 1CB8 ?>40=8< C ?0?5@>2><C 284V 0<>2=8:C B0/01> G5@57 ;5:B@>==C A8AB5<C <>=VB>@8=3C (eMs). Article 9. Minimum Standards and Ethics 9.1 The Auditor shall undertake the expenditure and revenue verification engagement in accordance with: the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400 Engagements to perform Agreed-upon Procedures regarding Financial Information as promulgated by the IFAC; the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, developed and issued by IFACs International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), which establishes fundamental ethical principles for Auditors with regard to integrity, objectivity, independence, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and technical standards. 9. V=V<0;L=V AB0=40@B8 B0 5B8:0 9.1.C48B>@ 15@5 =0 A515 7>1>2`O70==O I>4> ?5@52V@:8 28B@0B V 4>E>4V2 2V4?>2V4=> 4>: - V6=0@>4=>3> AB0=40@BC I>4> AC?CB=VE ?>A;C3 (ISRS) 4400, C73>465=8E ?@>F54C@ I>4> DV=0=A>2>W V=D>@<0FVW, >?@8;N4=5=8E IFAC; - >45:AC 5B8:8 ?@>D5AV9=8E 1CE30;B5@V2 IFAC, @>7@>1;5=89 B0 2840=89 04>N <V6=0@>4=8E AB0=40@BV2 5B8:8 4;O 1CE30;B5@V2 IFAC (IESBA), O:89 2AB0=>2;NT >A=>2=V 5B8G=V ?@8=F8?8 0C48B>@V2 AB>A>2=> FV;VA=>ABV, >1 T:B82=>ABV, =570;56=>ABV, ?@>D5AV9=>W :><?5B5=B=>ABV B0 =0;56=>W C2038, :>=DV45=FV9=>ABV, ?@>D5AV9=>W ?>254V=:8 B0 B5E=VG=8E AB0=40@BV2. Article 10. Quality control by the programme bodies 10.1 The Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat or the Control Contact Points may carry out quality control of the work carried out, including the examination of the working papers, during the execution period of the grant contract. 10.2 Should the Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat or the Control Contact Points have any doubt concerning the findings indicated in the expenditure and revenue verification report, the Auditor will receive a request for clarification via the Customer, which will be answered in a maximum of 5 working days. 10. >=B@>;L O:>ABV >@30=0<8 ?@>3@0<8 10.1. @30= C?@02;V==O, !?V;L=89 B5E=VG=89 A5:@5B0@V0B 01> :>=B@>;NNGV :>=B0:B=V ?C=:B8 <>6CBL 74V9A=N20B8 :>=B@>;L O:>ABV 28:>=0=>W @>1>B8, 2:;NG0NG8 ?5@52V@:C @>1>G8E 4>:C<5=BV2, C 1C4L O:V9 <><5=B ?@>BO3>< ?5@V>4C 28:>=0==O 3@0=B>2>3> :>=B@0:BC. 10.2. /:I> @30= #?@02;V==O, !?V;L=89 B5E=VG=89 A5:@5B0@V0B 01> :>=B@>;NNGV :>=B0:B=V ?C=:B8 <0NBL 1C4L-O:V AC<=V28 I>4> 28A=>2:V2, 707=0G5=8E C 72VBV ?@> ?5@52V@:C 28B@0B V 4>E>4V2, C48B>@ >B@8<0T 70?8B =0 @>7 OA=5==O G5@57 0<>2=8:0, =0 O:89 B@510 1C45 2V4?>2VAB8 ?@>BO3>< 5 @>1>G8E 4=V2. Article 11. Administrative penalty clauses 11.1 The Auditor who has committed substantial errors, leading to the significant amount of irregularities or fraud detected by the programme authorities or the European Commission, has not complied with the agreed upon programme procedures, has made false declarations in supplying required information at the moment of the submission of the expenditure and revenue verification reports, has failed to supply such report in time or has been found in serious breach of its obligations under the Contract, may be liable to administrative penalties, as follows: the Control Contact Point (CCP) in the country in which the Auditor is operating excludes the Auditor from any work in the programme for any project funded under the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020, according to the national legislation and/or the National Authority, or the Managing Authority, reserves the right to ask the CCP in the country in which the Auditor is operating to exclude the Auditor from any work in the programme for any project funded under the ENI CBC Bla 0BH\ f l ӻs[C+.hlhX%5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH"sH".hlhz:5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh~5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh85CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh~5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh6K5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh85CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH +hlh85CJOJPJQJaJmH sH +hlhi=5CJOJPJQJaJmH sH  H\  \ ^ ` 8 $d$Ifa$gdl$d$Ifa$gdlm$$$$d$@&Ifa$gdl    , 8 \ ^ ` иg\B#<hlh85B*CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHphsH"tH3hlh85CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tHhlh8mH sH <hlhX%5B*CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHphsH"tH3hlh~5CJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH.hlh~5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlh~5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hlhX%5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH"sH".hlhX%5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH   " :p£œyfS@f-y$hlhCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhi=CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh&_CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhd_FCJOJQJaJmH sH h6CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlhCHCJOJQJaJmH sH  hlh8<hlhX%5B*CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHphsH"tH<hlh85B*CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHphsH"tH<hlh85B*CJOJPJQJaJmH nHphsH tH .0}$d$Ifa$gdlm$$d$Ifa$gdl^kd$$Ifl0+$ t44 lapytlpqtu)4Qjp{|ڡڎڎ{{hOhhh0hlhrCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH$hlh{rCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhCHCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh][CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhu2CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh&_CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh&_CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlhd_FCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhrCJOJQJaJmH sH  ,.BHVZ\^bdf׾~~~g~gPgP-hlhh%B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"-hlh&_B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"%hlh&_B*CJOJQJaJph-hlh&_B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH *h65B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"0hlh&_5B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH +hlh~5CJOJPJQJaJmH sH $hlh0CJOJQJaJmH sH  0h$&Rhz6ηΐ|hTh|>+$hlhJoCJOJQJaJmH"sH"*hlhh%5CJOJQJ\aJmH"sH"'hlh&_5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'hlhqno5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'hlhh%5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlhh%CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'h6B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"-hlh&_B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"-hlhh%B*CJOJQJaJmH"phsH"3hlhh%5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH"phsH"6R,DzkR83hlhqno5CJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH0hlh&_CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH(hlh0CJOJPJQJaJnHtH0hlh0CJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH0hlhJoCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH(hlhJoCJOJPJQJaJnHtH$hlh0CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlhh%CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlh&_CJOJQJaJmH"sH" ,.02X`1%   0̻n[nHn$hlh>CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhrCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhi=CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh}KCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhu2CJOJQJaJmH sH 'hlhu25CJOJQJaJmH sH !h6h~g*mH sH 0hlh~CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH3hlhh%5CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH02XX$d&'}}$d$Ifa$gdlm$$d$Ifa$gdl^kdd$$Ifl0+$ t44 lapytl ~""""#Z#`#d#t#v#x#z####ѸgK220hlh}KCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH6hlhaLhaLCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhaLCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH<hlhrB*CJOJPJQJ\aJmH"nHphsH"tH0hlhrCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhu2CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH3hlhu25CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH' *hlhqCJOJQJaJmH sH ##X$$$$$b&d&n&~&''''εhNG3'hlh>5CJOJQJaJmH sH  hlhu23hlhu25CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhHCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH<hlhu2B*CJOJPJQJ\aJmH"nHphsH"tH(hlh}KCJOJPJQJaJnHtH0hlhu2CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhaLCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlh/CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH''(;(((B)F*--L./t/mmm$d$Ifa$gdlm$d$Ifgdlm$$d$Ifa$gdl^kd$$Ifl0+$ t44 lapytl '((((9(----(.H.//Z/\/^/ıכlWl>l)>(hlhYCJOJPJQJaJnHtH0hlh>CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH(hlh$|CJOJPJQJaJnHtH(hlh>CJOJPJQJaJnHtH3hlh6K5CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH+hlh>5CJOJPJQJaJnHtH$hlh$|CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh6KCJOJQJaJmH sH 'hlh6K5CJOJQJaJmH"sH"'hlh0m5CJOJQJaJmH sH ^/t///////000.00080:0J0L0X0Z011116282<2>2P2|6~6666666667ҹҹҹҹ빘wwwwwAhlhYCJOJPJQJaJfHmH"nHq sH"tHAhlh>CJOJPJQJaJfHmH"nHq sH"tH0hlh>CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlh>CJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH(hlh>CJOJPJQJaJnHtH&t/\0P27777+89998:b^kd,$$Ifl0+$ t44 lapytl$d$Ifa$gdl$d$1$7$8$H$If]a$gdl$d$Ifa$gdlm$ 7777 8 888)888 999999999ʷ{hUhBhBUBUB2h6CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlhCJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhi=CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh>"CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlh:CJOJQJaJmH sH *h6CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH$hlh:CJOJQJaJmH"sH"$hlh>CJOJQJaJmH sH 'hlh>5CJOJQJaJmH sH  hlh>3hlh>5CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH998:::d:::::::::;;<<===ǭ~~e~LL30hlh6KCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhHCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlhCJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH*h6CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH0hlh>CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH3hlh>5CJOJPJQJaJmH"nHsH"tH$hlh>CJOJQJaJmH sH $hlhCJOJQJaJmH sH $h6hCJOJQJaJmH"sH"8:::d:$;<=^>>>??j@@A^kd$$Ifl0+$ t44 lapytl$d$Ifa$gdl =4>Z>>>>? 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Such termination shall be free of charge for the Customer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rticle 12. Settlement of disputes and applicable law 12.1 Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract which cannot be settled amicably shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of location of the Customer. 12.2 In the case that no agreement is reached between the Parties on the disputed issues, the dispute shall be transferred for further consideration, resolution and final resolution to the commercial court in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine. 12. >@O4>: 2@53C;N20==O A?>@V2 12.1. #AV A?>@8 B0 @>71V6=>ABV, I> <>6CBL 28=8:=CB8 <V6 !B>@>=0<8 C ?@>F5AV 28:>=0==O =8<8 A2>WE 7>1>2 O70=L 70 >3>2>@><, 28@VHCNBLAO H;OE>< ?5@53>2>@V2. 12.2. # 28?04:C, :>;8 <V6 !B>@>=0<8 7 A?V@=8E ?8B0=L =5 4>AO3=CB> 73>48, B> A?V@ ?5@540TBLAO 4;O ?>40;LH>3> @>73;O4C, @>72 O70==O B0 >AB0B>G=>3> 28@VH5==O 4> 3>A?>40@AL:>3> AC4C C ?>@O4:C, 287=0G5=><C G8=8< 70:>=>402AB2>< #:@0W=8. Article 13. Order of precedence of contract documents 13.1. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Contract, in the following order of precedence: - the grant contract and its annexes; - the partnership agreement; - Instruction 15/2018 of the Managing Authority with the description of the procedure; - annex 5 to the Instruction - Control check-list; - annex 6 to the Instruction - Report on suspected and/or established fraud or corruption; - annex 7 to the Instruction; - annex 8 to the Instruction 13.2. The various documents making up the contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory; in cases of ambiguity or divergence, they shall prevail in the order in which they appear above. Addenda shall have the order of precedence of the document they are amending. 13.3. The Report on expenditure and revenue verification shall be prepared in accordance with the Electronic Monitoring System s (eMS) requirements, following the template provided by the system.  13. >@O4>: ?@V>@8B5B=>ABV 4>3>2V@=8E 4>:C<5=BV2 13.1. 0ABC?=V 4>:C<5=B8 22060NBLAO B0:8<8, I> D>@<CNBLAO, G8B0NBLAO, V B;C<0G0BLAO 2 =0ABC?=><C ?>@O4:C ?@V>@8B5B=>ABV: - @0=B>289 :>=B@0:B B0 9>3> 4>40B:8; - 0@B=5@AL:0 C3>40; - =AB@C:FVO @30=C C?@02;V==O 7 >?8A>< ?@>F54C@8; - >40B>: 5 4> =AB@C:FVW  >=B@>;L=0 2V4><VABL ?5@52V@:8; - >40B>: 6 4> =AB@C:FVW  2VB ?@> ?5@52V@:C 28B@0B B0 4>E>4V2; - >40B>: 7 4> =AB@C:FVW  5@5;V: D0:B8G=8E @57C;LB0BV2 ?5@52V@:8; - >40B>: 8 4> =AB@C:FVW  2VB ?@> ?V4>7@8 B0/01> 2AB0=>2;5=5 H0E@09AB2> 01> :>@C?FVN. 13.2. V7=V 4>:C<5=B8, I> A:;040NBL >3>2V@, 22060NBLAO 270T<=> ?>OA=N20;L=8<8: C 28?04:0E =5>4=>7=0G=>ABV 01> @>71V6=>ABV 2>=8 ?5@52060NBL C B><C ?>@O4:C, 2 O:><C 2>=8 7`O2;ONBLAO 28I5. >?>2=5==O ?>28==V <0B8 ?>@O4>: B0 AB@C:BC@C 4>:C<5=B0, O:89 2>=8 70<V=ONBL. 13.3. 2VB C48B>@0 ?>28=5= 1CB8 ?V43>B>2;5=89 2V4?>2V4=> 4> 28<>3 ;5:B@>==>W A8AB5<8 <>=VB>@8=3C @>3@0<8 (eMS) 70 H01;>=><, =040=8< A8AB5<>N.Article 14. Data Protection 14.1 Any personal data included in the contract shall be processed pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) of the European Parliament and the Council . The data shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and monitoring of the contract by the Customer without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with monitoring or inspection in application of EU law. The Contractor shall have the right to access his/her personal data and to rectify any such data. 14.2 The data shall be confidential within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. The Auditor shall limit access to the data to staff strictly needed to perform, manage and monitor the contract. 14.3 The Auditor undertakes to adopt technical and organizational security measures to address the risks inherent in processing and in the nature of the personal data concerned.14. 0E8AB 40=8E 14.1. C4L-O:V ?5@A>=0;L=V 40=V, 2:;NG5=V 4> @0=B>2>3> :>=B@0:BC, >1@>1;ONBLAO 2V4?>2V4=> 4> 53;0<5=BC 7030;L=>3> 70E8ABC 40=8E ( 53;0<5=B (!) 2016/679) 2@>?59AL:>3> 0@;0<5=BC B0 048 2@>?8. 0=V >1@>1;ONBLAO 28:;NG=> 4;O FV;59 28:>=0==O, C?@02;V==O B0 <>=VB>@8=3C :>=B@0:BC 0<>2=8:><, =040TBLAO 73>40 4;O <>6;82>W ?5@540GV >@30=0<, 2V4?>2V40;L=8< 70 <>=VB>@8=3 01> V=A?5:FVN, 4>B@8<CNG8AL 70:>=C !. C48B>@ <0T ?@02> >45@60B8 4>ABC? 4> A2>WE >A>18AB8E 40=8E B0 28?@028B8 B0:V 40=V, O:I> T >1@C=B>20=V ?@8G8=8. 14.2. 0=V ?>28==V 1CB8 :>=DV45=FV9=8<8 C 7=0G5==V 53;0<5=BC (!) !45/2001 0@;0<5=BC B0 048 2@>?8 I>4> 70E8ABC >AV1 2V4?>2V4=> 4> ?@>F5AC >1@>1:8 ?5@A>=0;L=8E 40=8E CAB0=>20<8 B0 >@30=0<8 !?V2B>20@8AB20 B0 2V;L=89 @CE B0:8E 40=8E. C48B>@ >1<56CT 4>ABC? 4> 40=8E ?5@A>=0;C, BV;L:8 O:I> F5 =5>1EV4=> 4;O 28:>=0==O, C?@02;V==O B0 :>=B@>;N @0=B>2>3> :>=B@0:BC. 14.3. C48B>@ 7>1>2 O7CTBLAO ?@89=OB8 B5E=VG=V B0 >@30=V70FV9=V 70E>48 157?5:8 4;O CAC=5==O @878:V2, ?>2 O70=8E 7 >1@>1:>N B0 E0@0:B5@>< 2V4?>2V4=8E >A>18AB8E 40=8E. Article 15. Further additional clauses 15.1. This Contract shall enter into force upon its signing by the Parties with stamps of the Parties. 15.2. The term of this Contract begins on the day of signing and ends on December 31, 2022, and in terms of settlements until the parties fully fulfill their obligations. 15.3. Significant conditions of the procurement contract may not be changed after its signing until the fulfillment of obligations by the parties in full, except in cases provided for in Part 5 of Article 41 of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement": 15.3.1. Reduction of procurement volumes, in particular taking into account the actual amount of customer expenses; 15.3.2. Improving the quality of the subject of procurement, provided that such improvement does not lead to an increase in the amount of payment specified in the procurement contract; 15.3.3. Extension of the term of the procurement contract and the term of fulfillment of obligations to provide services in case of documented objective circumstances that led to such extension, including force majeure, delays in financing the customer's costs, provided that such changes do not lead to increase in the amount of payment specified in the procurement contract; 15.3.4. Approval of price changes in the procurement contract in the direction of reduction (without changing the activity tasks and quality of services); 15.3.5. Changes in the price in the procurement contract due to changes in tax rates and / or changes in the conditions for granting tax benefits - in proportion to changes in such rates and / or tax benefits; 15.3.6. Changes in the consumer price index established in accordance with the legislation by state statistics bodies, changes in the foreign exchange rate, changes in exchange quotations or Platts, ARGUS regulated prices (tariffs) and standards applied in the procurement contract, if the procurement contract establishes a price change; 15.3.7. This Agreement is drawn up in the both English and Ukrainian language on 10 pages in two original copies, which have the same legal force - one for each Party. 15.4. Additional agreements and annexes to this Contract are an integral part of it and have the same legal force as this Contract. 15.5. The expiration of this Contract does not release the parties from liability for its violation, which occurred during the validity of this Agreement. 15.6. The amount of payment in the Contract can be reduced, depending on the actual funding, by signing an additional agreement. 15.7. Amendments to this Contract shall enter into force upon signing by the Parties of the relevant additional agreement to this Contract, unless otherwise provided in the additional agreement itself, this Contract or the current legislation of Ukraine. 15.8. The agreement is concluded in the English and Ukrainian languages in 2 copies, which have the same legal force. 15. =HV ?>;>65==O 15.1. &59 >3>2V@ 22060TBLAO C:;045=8< V =018@0T G8==>ABV 7 <><5=BC 9>3> ?V4?8A0==O !B>@>=0<8 B0 A:@V?;5==O ?5G0B:0<8 !B>@V=. 15.2. !B@>: FL>3> >3>2>@C ?>G8=0T A2V9 ?5@51V3 7 4=O ?V4?8A0==O B0 70:V=GCTBLAO 31.12.2023 @>:C, 0 2 G0AB8=V @>7@0EC=:V2 4> ?>2=>3> 28:>=0==O !B>@>=0<8 A2>WE 7>1>2 O70=L. 15.3. 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CUSTOMER ODESA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Address: 65039, Odesa city, str. Kanatna,112 Code EDPNOU 02071062, BA UA148201720343181001300014953 Bank: State Treasury, Kyiv MFO 820172 Certificate ! 23204131 VAT payer TIN ! 020710615539 Tel: (048) 726- 48-31 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:omts@ontu.edu.ua" omts@ontu.edu.ua Acting Rector, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations ________________ Maryna MARDAR AUDITOR "___________________________" PE _____________________________________________________ EDRPOU code: ________________ Bank details: IBAN UA___________________________ in _______________________________, MFI ______________ Director __________   !, &, "%' # !"" 65039, <. 45A0, 2C;. 0=0B=0, 112 :>4  # 02071062, /@ UA148201720343181001300014953 0=:: !# 2 <. 8W2 $ 820172 !2V4>FB2> ! 23204131 ?;0B=8:0   ! 020710615539 B5;. 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